Lease IP Addresses

We connect IP lessors with IP lessees

What is
IP address Leasing?

Leasing IP addresses means getting the authority of IP address usage for a certain period at an affordable leasing price.
IPv4 Superhub IP leasing

Advantages of Leasing IP Addresses

Immediate Extensive Resource

IP addresses are becoming more and more valuable. From a business standpoint, it may make more sense to rent your IP addresses instead of buying them. We offer IP addresses for short-term and long-term rental.

Less cost and Fast Process

With low upfront costs of sourcing IP addresses through our well established databases. More than thousands of IP addresses will be input manually to enlarge our IP pool. The accumulated client base will empower us to serve diversities and offer specific IP addresses for client's requests. With us, you can enjoy the easiest way to lease a huge number of IP addresses in one second.

Why lease IP addresses?

Leasing IP addresses is a much quicker and cost effective.

Unlock Business Potential

Leasees can immediately kick off projects or businesses with IP addresses. Leasees can pay-as-you-go for the cost of leasing IP addresses.

Secure your future IP addresses

It is really time-consuming to source IP addresses, especially for specific geolocation IP addresses. Therefore, leasing on-demand is the most efficient way.

No complicated RIR management

Leasee has no worries about the management of RIR membership. We assign IP addresses as you need.

How can you lease IP addresses immediately?

Fill in the form, leave your information and requests
Our IP address specialist will contact you as soon as possible.
  • Signing agreement to secure IPs
  • Pay and Confirm to lease IP
Or go to our automatic IP trading plaform.
With low upfront costs of sourcing IP addresses through our well established databases. More than thousands of IP addresses will be input manually to enlarge our IP pool. The accumulated client base will empower us to serve diversities and offer specific IP addresses for client's requests. With us, you can enjoy the easiest way to lease a huge number of IP addresses in one second.

Less cost, Fast Process, Extensive Resource

Why Us

What are our service standards?


Lease IP addresses upon requests in minutes.


The most efficient solution is to lower prices and shorten processes.


Lease IP addresses contributing to business growth shortly.

Our Services

IPv4Superhub provides the professional IP leasing services

Lease Clean IP Address

Run IP address reputation checks to ensure the reputation of IP addresses before listing them on the IP address market. Our team takes compliance practices seriously to ensure that the IP address's reputation is protected at all times.

Real Time Abuse Management

Our dedicated abuse team manages IP addresses and stops malicious activities immediately. 24/7 real-time automated abuse reporting aims to keep IP addresses in a good reputation.

Easy Fit to Lessees' Needs

Lease IP addresses to fit into your business planning and development. A tiny cost of an IP address can turn into a big revenue for future businesses.

Support Global geolocation

We can provide clients with rich subnet availability. We can update geolocation from different databases if necessary.

Client Frequent Orders

Our esteemed customers can now enjoy the added convenience of frequent ordering, ensuring timely delivery of their preferred products. Stay ahead of the curve with our recurring order option, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Contact Us






+852 52949800


+852 52949800



How long you plan to lease IP addresses?
How many IP addresses you plan to lease?
eg. WhatsApp / Skype / Telegram / WeChat / Messenger / Others

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